The Galactic Gourmet
Tor, 1996. Novel, 90,000 words.
After the main course of Genocidal Healer came the pineapple chunks
of Galactic Gourmet. Gurransevas, Tralthan FGLI master chef,
takes on "the greatest challenge of his professional life: making
hospital food palatable" (blurb). He starts by throwing his
mighty Tralthan weight about, but hubris is finally clobbered by
nemesis -- in the best possible taste, of course. White's
ability to avoid the black-and-white characterization that marked,
or marred, most 'traditional' sf pulp writing is well showcased
here. As Harry Harrison once said (possibly at the bar of
Dublin's old-time Parliament Inn): "You could always tell who the
hero was by his white space helmet." A white chef's hat doesn't
really count, or does it?
Synopsis by graham Andrews
First Publication:
TOR Books, NY, ISBN 0-312-86167-2, hardback, August 1996
Publication History:
Tor Books, NY, ISBN 0-812-56267-4, paperback, April 1997
Foreign Publication:
AST Publishers, Russia, 26/8/97
Wilhelm Heyne, Munchen, No 0604982, ISBN 3-453-12636-X,
sometime 1997 as Chef du Cuisine
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